Friday, September 14, 2007


Well here you go finally!!! I apologize for the small size, but it is the only way I am able to upload the files. So here are a couple to whet your appetite (if you want to see the full size images, stay friends with me and I will show them to you in April, 2009).

Dedza Training site in March

My homestay during training in Mzengereza Village

View from Mountain behind my homestay - Mozambique in distance

The homestay guys and me

Scott and Karl on Mulanje, striking the conquering pose.

Market Day in my village

Chapananga road (the only way in and out of my area)

This is a view out of my back yard. I took the picture at about 7:00 AM, by far the nicest time of day. Otherwise everything looks dead and dusty!

My Backyard, with the young garden and my latrine in the back-right.

My Humble Abode

That is all for now, hopefully I will be able to update more with some sunsets and animals.




Anonymous said...

Dear Kevin: Muli bwa?? I am a Dutch Cultural Anthropologist working for an agricultural research institute near Lilongwe, been here 2 years now, unfortunately mostly in the office. Only since a few weeks ago have I been able to spend time in a village, which I intend to be doing the whole coming year. As I prefer not to work through translators, I have made quite an effort to learn ChiChewa, but mostly from a grammar book. Once in the village I noticed that although I am more or less able to speak, I can't follow a word of what is said to me. I started to loose hope, blamed myself for being so naive to think I would be able to master a language so completely unfamiliar to me, and panicked. Then I remembered that the American Peace Corps also sends azungu to live in Malawian villages and teaches them ChiChewa. Here's my answer, I thought relieved, I just need to find out if indeed these Peace Corps volunteers manage to master the language, and how long it takes them. So Kevin, please, could you tell me about your experiences learning to speak and understand ChiChewa? How did you learn, how long till you could sufficiently follow what was going on? IS IT POSSIBLE??? Is there hope for me? I would really appreciate it if you could help me out here... My email address is j.verheijen(at) Zikomo kwambiri, ndathokozadi... All the best, good luck with all your activities and many kind regards, Janneke Verheijen

Anonymous said...

This is Sandy from Aquinas College. I have enjoyed your comments. I hope that you will be able to connect with Clement Chiwaya in Mangochi. You will not be sorry and he would welcome you.